RHEMA Bible Training Center
Programme Detail: Advanced Training
Language of this entry | English (UK, International) |
Name of Programme / Training Resource | Advanced Training |
Type of Training | Programme with multiple subsidiary courses |
Reference Number | 02 |
Description | ENGLISH: During the Advanced Training, the students will receive more practical information to help equip them for basic areas of ministry (such as youth and children’s ministry, pastoral work, teaching, and supportive ministry), with a strong emphasis on leadership training. The emphasis at the Advanced Level is on the training for ministry (Eph. 4:11; 1 Cor. 12:28) and on the preparation for spiritual leadership. After the successful completion of this level of training, the students will receive a diploma from RHEMA Bible Training Center. To graduate, requirements include: attending all class hours, successful completion of the written assignments and tests, reading material, as well the completion of the practicum. Prayer School: During the training the students all join together for prayer. Students pray for different needs in the Body of Christ by the direction of the Holy Spirit. Through this time together the students can put into immediate practice the principles of prayer that they have learned and consequently the prayer life of the individual student will be strengthened. Practicum: After or during the theoretical part of each training level (for Basic and Advanced Training), we require the students to do a practicum at a church or ministry of their choice.// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEUTSCH: Während des Advaned Trainings erhalten die Studenten praktische Informationen über verschiedene Arbeitsbereiche in der weltweiten Gemeinde Christi (z.B. Jugendarbeit, Kinderdienst, pastorale Arbeit, Lehrdienst, Dienst der Hilfeleistung). Besonderer Wert wird auf die Übermittlung der Leiterschaftsprinzipien gelegt. Im Advanced Training liegt ein besonderer Schwerpunkt auf der Ausbildung zum Vollzeitdienst (Eph 4,11; 1. Kor 12,28) und auf der Vorbereitung zur geistlichen Leiterschaft. Am Ende dieser Trainingsstufe erhält der Student nach erfolgreichem Abschluss ein Diplom vom RHEMA Bible Training Center. Der Abschluss setzt regelmäßige Teilnahme am Unterricht, befriedigende schriftliche Ausarbeitungen, bestandene Tests, erarbeitete Pflichtlektüre und Absolvierung des Praktikums voraus. Gebetsschule: Die Studenten kommen immer wieder zum gemeinsamen Gebet zusammen. Unter der Leitung des Heiligen Geistes wird für verschiedene Anliegen in der weltweiten Gemeinde Christi gebetet. Dadurch werden die gelernten Gebetsprinzipien praktisch umgesetzt und das Gebetsleben des Einzelnen gestärkt. Praktikum: Nach oder auch während des theoretischen Teils jeder Trainingsstufe (jeweils Basic-Training und Advanced Training) müssen die Studenten ein Praktikum absolvieren, das sie entweder in einer Gemeinde oder einer christlichen Organisation ihrer Wahl durchführen können. |
Keywords | Advanced Bible Christian Ministry RHEMA |
Languages Programme Available in | English (UK, International); German |
Other Languages | |
Country and region where programme is available | International (e.g. distance learning) / All international; United Kingdom / Countrywide; Albania / Countrywide; Austria / Countrywide; Switzerland / Countrywide; Germany / Countrywide; France / Countrywide; Greece / Countrywide; Italy / Countrywide; Netherlands / Countrywide; Norway / Countrywide; Portugal / Countrywide; Ukraine / Countrywide |
Area of Ministry and Focus | Bible Teaching and Training / General Bible; Bible Teaching and Training / Old Testament; Bible Teaching and Training / New Testament; Bible Teaching and Training / Interpretation and Study Methods; Bible Teaching and Training / Discipling and Training Others; Bible Teaching and Training / Preaching and Communication Skills; Bible Teaching and Training / Church History; Prayer, Worship and Spiritual Gifts / Prayer; Prayer, Worship and Spiritual Gifts / Worship; Prayer, Worship and Spiritual Gifts / Healing and Deliverance; Prayer, Worship and Spiritual Gifts / Prophecy and Other Gifts; Pastoral Encouragement and Counselling / Pastoral Care and Counselling; Pastoral Encouragement and Counselling / Marriage and Family Guidance; Pastoral Encouragement and Counselling / Children's Ministry; Pastoral Encouragement and Counselling / Youth and Students Ministry; Personal Life and Holiness / Personal and Family Holiness; Personal Life and Holiness / Integrating Faith, Life and Work; Personal Life and Holiness / Fellowship and Interpersonal Skills; Mission and Evangelism / Evangelism and Apologetics; Mission and Evangelism / Cross-Cultural Mission and History; Mission and Evangelism / Church Planting and Multiplication; Mission and Evangelism / Missionary Team Care and Skills; Pastoral Encouragement and Counselling / Church Growth and Development; Transforming Society (Leadership, Education, Government) / Leadership and Management; Transforming Society (Leadership, Education, Government) / Education |
Residential/Non Residential | Mixed |
Full-time or Part-time | Part-time |
Level | Diploma |
Cost Range | US$100,000 or more |
Actual Cost | 2400 EUR |
Bursaries/scholarships available | No |
Actual Length | 2 years |
Average hours of study per week | 0 |
Methods of instruction | required reading, prayer, mentoring, exams... |
Percentage of time spent in formal learning (e.g. lectures, structured reading, work-books, etc.) | 50% |
Percentage of time spent on non-formal skill-based learning (e.g. learning on the job and supervised practice, etc.) | 25% |
Percentage of time spent in informal unstructured learning (e.g. prayer times, teamwork). | 25% |
Average number of students who take the programme per year (or, if this is a new programme, the number who can be accommodated) | 30 |
Prerequisite Programmes | RBTC Basic Training |
Other Prerequisites | Instructor's recommendation |
Qualifications gained | RBTC Diploma |
Qualifications this programme is part of | |
Programme Accredited by | |
Other Accrediting Bodies |
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