Una base de datos multilingüe para buscar colegios bíblicos evangélicos - y programas de capacitación bíblicos, pastorales, teológicos, misioneros, y cursos y recursos a nivel mundial - para ayudarle a encontrar la capacitación que necesita para servir al Señor.

Didasko Academy

Detalles del Curso: Roles in Frontier Missions. https://www.dasko.org

Idioma de este formulario English (UK, International)
Nombre del Curso Roles in Frontier Missions. https://www.dasko.org
Tipo de Curso Programa con múltiples cursos
Número de referencia A030
Descripción To finish this task Jesus gave us, missionaries need to go to all nations, especially to the ones where Christ is not known yet — the Unreached People Groups. They also need people in supporting rolls enabling them to go. Finishing the Great Commission is a huge task! It can be quite overwhelming when we realise how much still needs to be done, and how many challenges we still face. And I’m sure you’ll realise that becoming involved will come at personal cost. But what bigger honour could there be than to obey Jesus and follow His example to the best of our ability? We believe that God will speak to you during this course, and help you find your role in helping to complete the task that Jesus gave us. This course is not only about “how to become a missionary???. Rather, it shows you that there are many ways you can contribute to help finish the task, and that not everyone needs to be come a pastor or missionary. We will also look at the concept of ‘calling’, and share some ideas for steps you can take to contribute to God’s plan to reach the world. Therefore, work through the course prayerfully. Take time to reflect about what you learn, and be responsive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Are you ready to get start with the course right now? If so, select the “Course??? link in the Course navigation tab at the top of this page, and get ready for your journey in discovering your role in frontier missions.
Palabras clave Missionary support Funding missionaries Logistical support for missionaries Prayer support for missionaries
Disponible en el Idioma English (UK, International)
Otros idiomas (que no aparecen en la lista arriba)
País y región donde el curso es disponible International (e.g. distance learning) / All international
Categoría y Sub-categoría Mission and Evangelism / Missionary Team Care and Skills
Residencial/No-residencial No-residencial
A tiempo completo o parcial A tiempo parcial
Nivel Certificate
Categoría de Costo Free
Costo Actual 0
Becas disponibles
Largo actual 5-8 hours
Promedio de horas de estudio por semana 0
Métodos de instrucción Short video lectures, reflection questions, online discussion forums, multiple-choice quizzes, peer learning. Learners can keep online notes and journal. Prayer is encouraged throught.
Porcentaje del tiempo llevado en la enseñanza formal (p.ej. clases, libros programados, etc.) 90%
Porcentaje del tiempo llevado en la enseñanza no-informal en habilidades prácticas (p.ej. aprendizaje en la obra, práctica supervisada, etc.)
Porcentaje del tiempo llevado en la enseñanza informal espontánea, sin structura (p.ej. tiempos de oración, trabajo en equipo) 10
Promedio de alumnos que toma esta clase por año (o, si es un curso nuevo, el número de alumnos que podrán tomarla) 0
Cursos pre-requisitos A015 The Bible and Missions is highly recommended. A020 Discipling the Nations is recommended.
Otros Pre-requisitos
Calificacion(es) ganados al completar este curso Non-accredited digitally signed certificate from Didasko Academy.
Calificacion(es) de las que este curso forma parte
Curso acreditado por Other Accreditation (see below)
Organización que acredita