Una base de datos multilingüe para buscar colegios bíblicos evangélicos - y programas de capacitación bíblicos, pastorales, teológicos, misioneros, y cursos y recursos a nivel mundial - para ayudarle a encontrar la capacitación que necesita para servir al Señor.

Briercrest College and Seminary

Detalles del Curso: Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry

Idioma de este formulario English (UK, International)
Nombre del Curso Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry
Tipo de Curso Programa con múltiples cursos
Número de referencia
Descripción This program is designed to prepare students to serve Christ in a variety of ministries. It aims to provide a foundation for character development, a strong liberal arts foundation, biblical and theological grounding, and the skills needed for full-time service in the church and/or para-church organizations. This program is specifically designed to equip students for effective service and leadership in a lay or professional setting by allowing them to tailor their program to include courses in several areas of ministry focus such as pastoral ministry, children’s ministry, youth ministry, women’s ministry, business, leadership, counselling, or worship arts. In addition, the program provides a solid foundation for continuing education. This program ultimately seeks to transform lives, the church, and our world through quality classroom and experiential education in a broadly defined academic ministry training program.
Palabras clave This program is designed to prepare students to serve Christ in a variety of ministries. It aims to provide a foundation for character development, a strong liberal arts foundation, biblical and theological grounding, and the skills needed for full-time service in the church and/or para-church organizations. This program is specifically designed to equip students for effective service and leadership in a lay or professional setting by allowing them to tailor their program to include courses in several areas of ministry focus such as pastoral ministry, children’s ministry, youth ministry, women’s ministry, business, leadership, counselling, or worship arts. In addition, the program provides a solid foundation for continuing education. This program ultimately seeks to transform lives, the church, and our world through quality classroom and experiential education in a broadly defined academic ministry training program.
Disponible en el Idioma English (UK, International)
Otros idiomas (que no aparecen en la lista arriba)
País y región donde el curso es disponible Canada / Saskatchewan
Categoría y Sub-categoría Bible Teaching and Training / Old Testament; Bible Teaching and Training / New Testament; Bible Teaching and Training / Interpretation and Study Methods; Bible Teaching and Training / Theology; Bible Teaching and Training / Discipling and Training Others; Bible Teaching and Training / Biblical Languages; Mission and Evangelism / Evangelism and Apologetics; Mission and Evangelism / Church Planting and Multiplication; Mission and Evangelism / Missionary Team Care and Skills; Mission and Evangelism / Tentmaking and Self-Financing Skills; Mission and Evangelism / Short-Term Mission
Residencial/No-residencial Residencial
A tiempo completo o parcial A tiempo completo
Nivel Degree
Categoría de Costo US$100,000 or more
Costo Actual $30000
Becas disponibles No
Largo actual 4 years
Promedio de horas de estudio por semana 40
Métodos de instrucción Classroom
Porcentaje del tiempo llevado en la enseñanza formal (p.ej. clases, libros programados, etc.) 80
Porcentaje del tiempo llevado en la enseñanza no-informal en habilidades prácticas (p.ej. aprendizaje en la obra, práctica supervisada, etc.) 15
Porcentaje del tiempo llevado en la enseñanza informal espontánea, sin structura (p.ej. tiempos de oración, trabajo en equipo) 5
Promedio de alumnos que toma esta clase por año (o, si es un curso nuevo, el número de alumnos que podrán tomarla) 150
Cursos pre-requisitos High School Diploma
Otros Pre-requisitos English Language
Calificacion(es) ganados al completar este curso Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry
Calificacion(es) de las que este curso forma parte
Curso acreditado por
Organización que acredita ABHE