Una base de datos multilingüe para buscar colegios bíblicos evangélicos - y programas de capacitación bíblicos, pastorales, teológicos, misioneros, y cursos y recursos a nivel mundial - para ayudarle a encontrar la capacitación que necesita para servir al Señor.

Moorlands College

Detalles del Curso: Applied Theology (B.A)

Idioma de este formulario English (UK, International)
Nombre del Curso Applied Theology (B.A)
Tipo de Curso Curso individual
Número de referencia
Descripción Undergraduate BA (Hons) degree in Applied Theology. A three year full-time course. Specific training in relating key aspects of theology to other social sciences such as psychology and sociology. You'll gain spiritual integrity and critical thinking skills that you will need for effective ministry in the future. Our BA programme is key to developing that kind of Christian insight and intellectual maturity. All usual aspects of Christian Doctrine, understanding Old and New Testament texts, Church History, original languages, hermeneutics are covered. Besides these, there are options to specialise in areas such as, leadership, evangelism, cross-cultural mission, youth & community work including JNC professional qualification, community and Family studies and pastoral work.
Palabras clave BA ( Hons) Applied Theology, Theology, Effective Ministry, Evangelism, Pastoral, Leadership, Cross Cultural, Mission, Youth and Community, JNC Qualification, Family and Communtiy, Christian Doctrine, Old Testament, New Testament, Church History.
Disponible en el Idioma English (UK, International)
Otros idiomas (que no aparecen en la lista arriba)
País y región donde el curso es disponible United Kingdom / South West
Categoría y Sub-categoría Bible Teaching and Training / Theology
Residencial/No-residencial Mezcla
A tiempo completo o parcial A tiempo completo
Nivel Degree
Categoría de Costo US$100,000 or more
Costo Actual £4'995 per annum tuition costs only
Becas disponibles No
Largo actual 3 years
Promedio de horas de estudio por semana 38
Métodos de instrucción A Moorlands education is designed to help you: explore new ideas, perspectives and points of view. Discover new people, places and cultures and pursue Biblical truth. This is done through a combination of activities, including, lectures, student driven seminars, weekly corporate worship, tutor group mentoring and prayer groups, mission, and practical assignments and self understanding.
Porcentaje del tiempo llevado en la enseñanza formal (p.ej. clases, libros programados, etc.) 50%
Porcentaje del tiempo llevado en la enseñanza no-informal en habilidades prácticas (p.ej. aprendizaje en la obra, práctica supervisada, etc.) 25%
Porcentaje del tiempo llevado en la enseñanza informal espontánea, sin structura (p.ej. tiempos de oración, trabajo en equipo) 25%
Promedio de alumnos que toma esta clase por año (o, si es un curso nuevo, el número de alumnos que podrán tomarla) 60
Cursos pre-requisitos Foundation Course, for students who haven't met the entrance requirements of at least 2 A levels. We also take into consideration APEL (Accreditation of prior experiential learning).
Otros Pre-requisitos For all our courses we expect you to have: * A clear leading from God * A recommendation form your home or sending church * A reasonable level of spiritual and personal maturity * Some experience of Christian Service
Calificacion(es) ganados al completar este curso BA (Hons) in Applied Theology
Calificacion(es) de las que este curso forma parte JNC with the BA (Hons) in Applied Theology, Youth and Communtiy Work.
Curso acreditado por Other Accreditation (see below)
Organización que acredita University of Gloucestershire