Una base de datos multilingüe para buscar colegios bíblicos evangélicos - y programas de capacitación bíblicos, pastorales, teológicos, misioneros, y cursos y recursos a nivel mundial - para ayudarle a encontrar la capacitación que necesita para servir al Señor.

SEAN International

Detalles del Curso: Life to the Full- Course in Christian Basics

Idioma de este formulario English (UK, International)
Nombre del Curso Life to the Full- Course in Christian Basics
Tipo de Curso Otro Recurso de Capacitación
Número de referencia SEAN2
Descripción A nurture course for new believers (and a back-to-basics reminder for 'older' Christians) 18 home & group studies on the basics of the Christian faith, and how to put them into practice It is especially ideal for those who have been through Alpha or other enquirer courses, who have made a commitments of faith and who now need further discipling. However, older students in the faith will also benefit greatly by re visiting those apparent basic truths and rediscovering their meaning and application in our lives. The course content is divided into three main sections – the believer's first steps, the believer's new life, and the believer and the church. Each section is further divided into six studies, taking clearly defined topics for each study. One advantage of this approach means that new students can join the course at any point (although it is strongly advised that students joining mid-course are initially taken through the first two studies). This allows for a continuous 'teaching cycle' which can be maintained on a rolling basis in a local church small group programme, thus avoiding those 'between course' times which may be just when some new believers are in need of discipleship. The programme - lessons and content First Steps 1. The new birth 2. Repentance from sin 3. Faith and forgiveness 4. Obedience 5. The family of God 6. Filled with the Holy Spirit New Life 7. How to read the Bible 8. How to pray 9. How to overcome the Devil 10. How to overcome the old nature 11. How to overcome the world 12. How to share the Good News with others The Church 13. Baptism 14. The Lord's Supper 15. Members of a local church 16. What is the 'Church'? 17. God's stewards 18. Led by God Home Study book: The home study book is the main building block from which the student learns at his own pace and in his own time, enabling him to come to each group study having already achieved a great deal of learning without much apparent effort. The group study then uses small group dynamics to underpin and develop each topic in a way that grounds our discipleship into the realities of everyday life. Tutor Manual: The tutor's manual gives detailed guidance for leading the group studies – how to run the course; the preparation of each lesson and the goals to be achieved; how to adapt the contents and the methodology to the student's level, either by simplifying or amplifying the approach; advice and help on counselling and nurturing new believers; group dynamics and working with a group. Using this book, mature Christians can lead a group even if they have never done so before. Extras: With each home study book come two double-sided bookmarks, double-sided memory verse cards, and a (newly-written) evangelistic leaflet (6-page 210x99). All are printed 2-colour.
Palabras clave Basics, New Christians, New Believers, Basics of the Christian Faith
Disponible en el Idioma Chinese (simplified); English (UK, International); Korean; Spanish
Otros idiomas (que no aparecen en la lista arriba)
País y región donde el curso es disponible International (e.g. distance learning) / All international; United Kingdom / Countrywide
Categoría y Sub-categoría Personal Life and Holiness / Introduction to the Christian Faith; Personal Life and Holiness / Personal and Family Holiness
Residencial/No-residencial No-residencial
A tiempo completo o parcial A tiempo parcial
Nivel Introductory
Categoría de Costo Variable according to means
Costo Actual Varies in each country
Becas disponibles No
Largo actual Varies depending on how intensively studied
Promedio de horas de estudio por semana 0
Métodos de instrucción Personal study with programmed text; group meetings led by a tutor; practical application in church projects and personal work.
Porcentaje del tiempo llevado en la enseñanza formal (p.ej. clases, libros programados, etc.) 50%
Porcentaje del tiempo llevado en la enseñanza no-informal en habilidades prácticas (p.ej. aprendizaje en la obra, práctica supervisada, etc.) 30%
Porcentaje del tiempo llevado en la enseñanza informal espontánea, sin structura (p.ej. tiempos de oración, trabajo en equipo) 20%
Promedio de alumnos que toma esta clase por año (o, si es un curso nuevo, el número de alumnos que podrán tomarla) 0
Cursos pre-requisitos None.
Otros Pre-requisitos This course is for Christian believers.
Calificacion(es) ganados al completar este curso
Calificacion(es) de las que este curso forma parte
Curso acreditado por
Organización que acredita