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Irish Baptist College

Detalles del Curso: Preparation for Ministry

Idioma de este formulario English (UK, International)
Nombre del Curso Preparation for Ministry
Tipo de Curso Curso individual
Número de referencia
Descripción An integrated vocational training for those wanting to prepare for Christian work. Suitable for pastors, missionaries, youth workers, children's workers, RE teachers and other spheres of service.
Palabras clave Degree ministry gospel training vocational practical BD BTh
Disponible en el Idioma English (UK, International)
Otros idiomas (que no aparecen en la lista arriba)
País y región donde el curso es disponible United Kingdom / Northern Ireland
Categoría y Sub-categoría Bible Teaching and Training / General Bible; Bible Teaching and Training / Old Testament; Bible Teaching and Training / New Testament; Bible Teaching and Training / Interpretation and Study Methods; Bible Teaching and Training / Theology; Bible Teaching and Training / Ethics; Bible Teaching and Training / Discipling and Training Others; Bible Teaching and Training / Preaching and Communication Skills; Bible Teaching and Training / Biblical Languages; Bible Teaching and Training / Church History; Prayer, Worship and Spiritual Gifts / Prayer; Prayer, Worship and Spiritual Gifts / Worship; Personal Life and Holiness / Introduction to the Christian Faith; Personal Life and Holiness / Personal and Family Holiness; Personal Life and Holiness / Integrating Faith, Life and Work; Personal Life and Holiness / Fellowship and Interpersonal Skills; Mission and Evangelism / Evangelism and Apologetics; Mission and Evangelism / Cross-Cultural Mission and History; Mission and Evangelism / Church Planting and Multiplication; Mission and Evangelism / Missionary Team Care and Skills; Pastoral Encouragement and Counselling / Church Growth and Development
Residencial/No-residencial Mezcla
A tiempo completo o parcial A tiempo completo
Nivel Degree
Categoría de Costo From US$10,000 to less than US$100,000
Costo Actual £5370 20/21 EU students)
Becas disponibles
Largo actual 3
Promedio de horas de estudio por semana 40
Métodos de instrucción Lecturers use a variety of methods in the classroom: formal lectures, DVDs, team presentations, individual presentations. The practical placements in all 3 years are documented by the keeping of a journal. Personal growth and spiritual development are encouraged within the College community where we enjoy devotions and prayer times together. Tutors have extensive ministry experience and academic qualifications and work alongside students both formally in interviews, and informally throughout the term.
Porcentaje del tiempo llevado en la enseñanza formal (p.ej. clases, libros programados, etc.) 40%
Porcentaje del tiempo llevado en la enseñanza no-informal en habilidades prácticas (p.ej. aprendizaje en la obra, práctica supervisada, etc.) 40%
Porcentaje del tiempo llevado en la enseñanza informal espontánea, sin structura (p.ej. tiempos de oración, trabajo en equipo) 20%
Promedio de alumnos que toma esta clase por año (o, si es un curso nuevo, el número de alumnos que podrán tomarla) 15
Cursos pre-requisitos A levels or equivalent for under 21s. Mature students treated on their individual merits.
Otros Pre-requisitos Backing of a church fellowship.
Calificacion(es) ganados al completar este curso BD or BTh
Calificacion(es) de las que este curso forma parte
Curso acreditado por Other Accreditation (see below)
Organización que acredita University of Chester