Una base de datos multilingüe para buscar colegios bíblicos evangélicos - y programas de capacitación bíblicos, pastorales, teológicos, misioneros, y cursos y recursos a nivel mundial - para ayudarle a encontrar la capacitación que necesita para servir al Señor.

Ghana Christian University College

Capacitación que ofrecemos

Nombre del Curso A tiempo completo o parcial Nivel de estudio
Development Management (B.A) A tiempo completo Degree
Development Management with Accounting (B.A) A tiempo completo Degree
Development Management with Human Resource Management (B.A) A tiempo completo Degree
Development Management with Marketing (B.A) A tiempo completo Degree
Development Management with Micro Finance (B.A) A tiempo completo Degree
Development Management with NGO Management (B.A) A tiempo completo Degree
Development Management with Public Health (B.A) A tiempo completo Degree
Theology with Biblical Languages (B.A) A tiempo completo Degree
Theology with Chrisitian Education & Youth Ministries (B.A) A tiempo completo Degree
Theology with Cross-Cultural Ministries (B.A) A tiempo completo Degree
Theology with Leadership (B.A) A tiempo completo Degree